Each week we have gone out to the Roma community on Wednesday for discipleship and life skills training. In the past when it has rained in the city it has miraculously not rained in the field we work in. One time Cameron and I decided not to go because it had been raining and we honestly just didn't feel like dealing with the weather. Our translators went out without us and reported back that it rained all around the field but never rained in the field while they were there! We were so disappointed that we missed out on seeing God's hand in such an awesome way and now try to only miss going on a Wednesday if someone is sick.
So this Wednesday it was pouring all day and we knew the car couldn't get back far in all the muddy landscape and we would need to walk part of the way. We didn't even know if they would want us to come out to the community with the weather being colder and wet. Beth and I decided to stay home with kids and only the husbands went to visit. They knew there wouldn't be an option for a time of discipleship due to size limitations being that only two adults could fit under a cardboard tent. Even though their visit was good, it made us wonder what church planting looks like in this situation, outside and vulnerable to the weather. The group has expressed a desire to meet in the field they live in for church. Outdoor churches have been done successfully and my mind takes me to groups meeting under trees in Africa. I am open with the leadership of our Pastor to plant a church where a group of believers wishes to gather but I have questions. How does an outdoor church plant meet in the snow? We sit on the ground under the best tree we can find now; do we sit on cardboard in the snow? I can't wrap my mind around what church looks like with the weather elements. I don't want church to be dependent on the weather but I don't want to doubt God either, especially after He showed Himself in control over the weather the day we decided not to go out because of rain. If you can help with experience you have had or with suggestions please post on the blog or send me an email at Jencammicah@hotmail.com Please continue to pray for us as we just take each step one at a time, going forward down the path that God illuminates. Pray also for the pastor of our church, Steve, as we will look to his leadership and guidance in this matter.