Sunday, February 8, 2015
15 Points!
I am so excited about the accomplishments of the kids in the village! I wanted to try something new during our upcoming kid's party at the church and was not sure how it would go. Usually for our kid's parties the girls gather to paint their nails and the boys head upstairs to watch a "Guys movie" basically any film that is not Barbie. This weekend for our party I previously handed them a study guide of things we had studied like "How many men did God use to write the Bible" "How many parts does the Bible have and what are they called?" "How many books are in the Old Testament, how many in the new and how many books total are in the Bible?" There was also two Bible verses to remember and 6 other questions. Each question was scored with different points and if every question was answered correctly the score would be 15 points. I told the kids that we would have a store set up in one of the rooms and they could use their points to buy a present. The gifts were candy, to a bottle of nail polish, to a bouncy balls or a pack of army men. 15 points could buy one thing but from anything displayed. I told Cameron that I wasn't sure how many kids would actually get the full 15 points since it was the first time we did this and we weren't giving any grace towards mistakes. It was a "You know the information or don't know it" type of test. I was completely wrong! We had 25 kids show up to the party and 11 kids got all 15 points and the rest of them got 8 to 12 points. Most had 11 points as they missed the harder 3 point memory verse and got one question wrong but all 25 showed me that they retained much of the Bible lesson and this was awesome to hear.
We have two new boys attending church now and they're excited to participate in the lessons. Thank you for praying for this village and for the kids who are amazing and wonderful to work with.Also I want to again say thank you to a church who gave a special gift to us that allowed us to purchase this heater for the room we sleep in and meet with the children in. Your gift has allowed us to continue working in the winter and it's been a remarkable gift! So again, thank you!
This has been a week of finding things that were lost! God has been amazingly kind this week with two awesome things that were lost being found. About three years ago we purchased a large generator for ministry use. Prior to leaving Bulgaria, we had stored this generator in a certain location, only to discover it missing when we came back from our time in the States. Cameron searched, asked around, searched more and still could not find the generator. Three years ago when we purchased this generator, we were able to get a great and CHEAP deal on it from a missionary who was returning to the States. After realizing the generator was not where we placed it, we began to search options to make another purchase. To our dismay, the same type of generator costs up to 900 leva to replace! Luckily God provided a different means to help us show the Jesus film in the village we needed the generator for. As we make plans for the summer we are constantly reminded of a generator we can not use for ideas we planned on using it for.
Fast forward to this week. After grocery shopping at a local store, Cameron placed my wallet into his jacket pocket. In the short distance from the front of the store to our car, my wallet somehow found legs and jumped out of his pocket and onto the ground. Due to traveling by car, I didn't need to search for my bus pass and therefore didn't realize my wallet was even missing until we received an email from the US Embassy that evening that they were in possession of it. We were amazed that someone had taken the time to not only pick up my lost wallet but IMMEDIATELY travel to the embassy (which would be across town for this person) and give my wallet to someone safe. In true embassy fashion I needed to schedule an appointment to come and pick up my wallet :) The unfortunate turn of events is that the phone number left behind by the good samaritan was no longer with my wallet and could not be found when request. I really am praying for a miracle, that somehow, someway I can cross paths with the precious Bulgarian lady who did this sweet act of kindness for me!
During the weekend, we were in the village and needed to place our belongings in a room at the church and lo and behold our generator was right there! Cameron had checked this room during his previous search and it was not there, but between April and now it reappeared! We're not asking any questions and do not care how or why the generator grew legs, we are just rejoicing that it is back for the events we have planned for June and all summer!
Now if it's not asking too much, maybe my broom can grow legs and start magically cleaning rooms that lost their ability to stay clean. I would love those rooms to be found in tidy order!
Praising God that in this life of materials and inconveniences, He gave us two sweet gifts! This week could have ended with the frustrating process of canceling credit cards, getting and waiting for replacements, new IDs and more but the Lord was gracious and we are so so thankful to Him.
Monday, February 2, 2015
We are formatting a newsletter to begin going out this month and would like to include those of you on our blog who would like to read some of the stories we can't post on public internet. If you would like to be included in these more personal stories and pray for the situations presented in the newsletter, please feel free to send us your email address at JenCammicah@hotmail.com
Thank you for all of your prayers and encouragement.
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