We arrived to Corpus Christi on October 3rd and we have started the process of saying our goodbyes with family. We were given the priviledge of staying with friends as we travelled and getting to say goodbye to them along the way. We have put alot of miles on the car and all that driving gave me time to reflect on the relationships we have left behind. Each relationship added so much to our lives. Every mile on the road was filled with a thought of what we left behind and a prayer that we added to their lives the knowledge of God's love. My heart is squeezed when I consider what I "added" to their lives. I cringe at the thought that I might have failed some of them by only leaving behind laughter, good memories, or a sweet friendship. All of these things are great, but if I didn't add to their lives a knowledge of Jesus and His gift of salvation to them then I have failed them as friends. So as we drove away from each home I knew I could reflect and regret or reflect and remain striving towards purposeful relationships that lead our friends to a knowledge of eternal life through Christ.
We are spending the next two weeks dividing our time between our parents and waiting for our visas to arrive. We do not have an exact departure date but we have been told that we could receive our visas in two weeks or two months. So with a time frame like that we are living as if we only have two weeks left with family and should extra time be given to us then we will embrace it and use it! We are thankful for so many things in our lives and mostly thankful that we serve a God who is leading us on a journey to share His love with everyone we meet!
Thank you for praying for our family!
Jennifer Phillips
It was soooo sad you didn't get to come through NOLA. (See, I'm sticking with my delusion since I didn't get to see you!) Girl, I can't tell you how much your family has meant to us. You have been one of the biggest blessings of our life here. We keep praying for y'all!!!!