"The LORD guards the inexperienced; I was helpless, and He saved me. Return to your rest, my soul, for the LORD has been good to you." Psalm 116:6-7
God saved me today from being a victim. God placed His hand over the hand of one who meant to do me harm and prevented his hand from evil...PRAISE BE TO OUR GOD!!
"The LORD protects you; the LORD is a shelter right by your side" Psalm 121:5
Thanks to the Lord who was clearly right by my side, I was not pick pocketed tonight.
We've been sick for the last two weeks and we have been couped up inside longer. We needed groceries and we needed to be outside and so we got dressed and got on the bus. The buses are at times super busy and at times very light, it's a gamble on what your bus will be like when it arrives. Our first bus was light and Ben talked in Bulgarian to three new friends he made! He made sure he told Cameron and I that he made "three" friends over and over and he was very very proud! Our second bus was very crowded and our family got divided up. I was with Ben and Cameron had Micah. Luckily I found Ben a seat and I stood in front of him as a shield from falling or being fallen on. As we rode people are smushed against you and I felt someones hands on my hips. I then felt as if those hands were trying to touch an inappropriate place and as I was registering what was going on I realized that my purse was in the area I felt the hands wondering around. I couldn't pull away because there were too many people smushing around me but I jerked as hard as I could and looked at the man and yelled "NEY" which is Bulgarian for No as loud as I could and over and over. I then apologized because that's what I do for some reason and the doors to the bus opened and he jumped off. I really was confused and shock and felt badly that I jumped on him until I looked down and realized my purse was completely open and he had indeed been digging in it! Then the rage filled me and I felt stupid for feeling bad for second guessing my instint that made me yell at him! Oh it was all so confusing and frusterating but God protected me, NOT ONE THING was missing out of my purse! My passport was right there, my wallet was right there and somehow he ended up with nothing but the flu because all of my snot tissue was also there!! We got to the mall and immediately found a corner to kneel down and praise God in! We were so thankful that what was intended to be our misfortune became our song because it confirmed the verses above that God is with us!
We got our groceries, we came home in a taxi that was honest, I got all the meat I needed at the market, and there were no stray dog attacks...It was a good night!
Praising Him with you- He truly is our sun and shield (Ps 84:11)! No telling how much danger we are shielded from because of His protection and His angels surrounding us!
ReplyDeleteWow- praise the Lord! I know so many things will be new and unforeseen encounters for you- some awkward, some even dangerous- so we are praying for your protection and wisdom. I know it's even more difficult since you are in a foreign place surrounded by unfamiliar language- but our God is bigger than that! Rest in that sister. :) I know you are.