When Micah first met my friend this weekend, I told him her name and he thought I said her name was "Awesome" and so we keep her named "Awesome" as a running joke. Out of respect for her privacy on this blog, we will keep her real name private and use Micah's name for her instead, "Awesome"
Awesome was one of the first people I met in December when I accompanied our church during their holiday orphanage ministry. It was a breath of familiar air when this beautiful girl started speaking english to me! Awesome had lived in America for a little while when she participated in a program offered in Bulgaria to work in a forign country for a specific amount of time. During her time in America she was drawn to take a Tae Kwon Do class that she couldn't afford or easily travel to. Something was pulling Awesome to this school and while she thought about the limitations of it being a practical choice, an employee came out and asked her if she wanted to sign up during their One Month Free offer. She immediately signed up!
While taking this class she met a Christian woman that befriended her and sought her friendship. Awesome has told me several times that she knew she was a Christian (she had no idea what that meant or what they really believed) but the woman witnessed with few words and with alot of deed! Awesome had to be admitted to the hospital and the woman stayed by her bed side the whole time. When Sunday came, Awesome realized that she stayed beside her and did not leave for the hour to go to church. Awesome said that it was then that she realized that being a Christian wasn't a religious thing but it was instead relational. Awesome moved to another state and found herself feeling like she needed to find what the woman had so passionately demonstrated towards her. It was during her visit to the local Baptist church in her new state that she met her Savior, Jesus Christ and it was Him who she had been missing! Awesome did not get a further work visa permit and had to return to Bulgaria. The church in America made some phone calls and got Awesome in touch with the Baptist church in Sofia. Awesome is faithfully sharing her faith with family, friends and co-workers. Please pray for the people she has purchased Bibles for and who she continues to witness to.
You never know where you will be or who you will meet when God places someone in your life who needs to know Him. Bride of Christ in America, you are a melting pot of all people groups coming onto your soil for work. Go out of your way to befriend those who may look different, talk different or seem culturally different. When we get out of our comfort zone we may possibly have the opportunity to introduce someone to Christ who will then return to their country and be a light for those they know best. You can send out missionaries all the time, but it just might be YOU who God wants to use to introduce all peoples, tongues and tribes to Him! Open your eyes and see the multitudes, they just might be living next door!
Thank you for sharing "Awesome" with us! Praying for you today!
ReplyDeleteGreat exhortation! Thank you for sharing and challenging us all in such a powerful way. :)
ReplyDeleteBeen thinking about you and wanted to say hi. Love you!