HA! Public transportation is a fine art and there are unspoken rules you must know before taking part in this art. Rule 1: Know the language of your country so you know the spoken rules! Rule 2: If you don't know the language you will find great comfort in not knowing when you are being cursed out =D Rule 3: When the bus is so full that the doors won't close just squeeze in tighter because at least ten more people are going to get on! Just be happy you aren't the one hanging out of the bus! Rule 4: If you would have allowed your wife to purchase those cool numb-chucks she saw the day before then she could have taken care of the man who very rudely shoved her husband around when he couldn't squeeze further. Rule 5: Walking is sometimes the greatest gift of all and should be taken with pleasure during a beautiful day~
LOL oh the joys of learning new things =)
This week has been a great week. Ben started a little day school Monday through Friday and Micah attends with him on Tuesday and Thursday. Two of their friends already attend there and so it gives them plenty of time to learn language and play with kids they love. The teacher is wonderful and takes her time to give one on one learning time with each child. During the summer the kids can sign up for fencing lessons, cooking lessons and field trips. This was our first week and everyone did great with the new schedule. Cameron and I found moments in the day that we could actually have lunch together between or after language class or explore a different part of our city without having to worry about little ones. The week ended with a beautiful day spent at the park and exploring a wooded area. We then decided after all that romping around in the woods that we should spend some time googling poisionous snakes in our country and made a plan to stay only on the trails from now on! HA!
Cameron will be going out of town on Saturday with a church from Louisiana. Please pray for the ministry opportunities that will take place this weekend and next week and for their safety as they serve the Lord in northwest Bulgaria.
My sweet friend Ginna is also coming into town next week to spend some time with us and I am SO SUPER excited to see her!
Thank you for all the prayers and encouragement from our last post! We are very blessed to have such a great body of believers that will faithfully lift us up!
LOL... you with numb chucks. I'm cracking up because all I can picture is Napoleon Dynamite!
ReplyDeleteWe'll be praying for Cameron for this weekend - and I'm so glad you get to see someone familiar! :)
this is so comforting to hear. I'm so glad prayers were answered and you had such a wonderful week. God is in our midst- loving and taking care of us. :)