This week has been an amazing week of blessings! It started out with some co-workers letting us use their car while they were out of town. The blessing of just getting to take a break from daily public transportation and having the ability to leave the house in the time frame you need to get somewhere rather than leaving an hour early so you can catch one metro and two buses was so wonderful. The gift of the borrowed car came perfectly too because just the day before, Micah had the bus doors close on his foot and I needed a break from buses and children! (he was fine)
Another blessing of the week was on Wednesday. A friend that I introduced to you in a previous blog post, "Awesome", was participating in a Bell Choir program at First Baptist Sofia. I remember having to sit through Bell Choir programs in school and though I wasn't a fan as a child, I wanted to go desperately. When the bells started playing their songs (familiar hyms and worship songs) the tears started rolling down my face. I had missed hearing the songs I would commonly sing on Sunday mornings and the gift the bell choir unknowingly was giving me at that moment was beyond their knowledge.
After the service "Awesome" and I went to dinner and talked about our week. As the evening came to a close and "Awesome's" bus was arriving she asked me a question that was a direct answer to my prayers! The night before, I asked God if it were possible that I would love to use our home for a house group. A place people could come together and dig deeper into the Word of God and have fellowship and prayer. As the bus was approaching "Awesome" said "Hey would you be interested in having a home group at your house?" Now I know it's not very Bulgarian of me to jump up and down on the street in excitment but I said "YES!" and I know I jumped! I don't know what I looked like walking home but I would confess I probably looked crazy! I couldn't stop smiling, laughing at God's awesome way He loves us and praising Him.
So Friday we will begin our home group and ask you to pray for growth, discernment to know what God wants to teach us and for His love to dominate our lives as we fellowship together! I am SSSSSSSSSSSSSSOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO excited!!!!!!!!!!!!!
That. is. AMAZING!!!! Praise Him for how He gave you that desire and then fulfilled it!
ReplyDeleteWhat wonderful testimony to His love for us and His work among us! This was definitely an encouragement to me. SO awesome!!