Lonliness, insecurity, body changes, inability to do everything I once took for granted...I could write five pages in detail on each of these and tell you what God has done but I think my most recent experience would be best...home. We applied for our long term visa and quite frankly I felt confident that we didn't have anything to worry about. Everything we knew they may ask for we had done our homework before hand and had brought with us. The day we returned to the visa office our paperwork was pending because they needed more documents. The three documents that were listed were already sitting at home waiting to be called for duty. The lady in the visa office informed us that if we couldn't get the required documents by our visa expiration of May 5th we would have to leave. No worries, we have everything at home. We brought the documents promptly the next day only to be told they wanted all new documents in origional form with apostils and then translated and legalized here! The paperwork from our company would be easy, but the FBI background check!? Were they kidding us? This took 6 weeks to get the first time around and we were in the states! How could we get everything they wanted in a matter of 7 days when Cameron's mom mailed us a package a month ago that still hasn't reached us? We called the FBI and they wanted new fingerprints from us and a new money order with a new payment of course. They said they throw away the finger prints so they couldn't recycle the ones we've already submitted and I laughed to myself and thought "Right, let me commit a crime and we'll see how quick they pop up in your system!" lol There was no budging either on the time it would take to get the new report, 6 to 9 weeks and it did not include the time it would take for the apostil. I began to worry about the inevitable...we would have to leave. Leave the place that's become home. Leave the language we're just beginning to speak and the relationships we've just started, FINALLY just started! Leave the home group that has only met one time and God so graciously laid in our laps. I don't want to leave...AND THEN in beautiful God fashion I heard His words whisper into the depths of my heart, "When did I give you permission to stop following me?" Home is not found in Bulgaria, America or anywhere else He calls me. My home is with Him and I need not tie myself so strongly to a place that I hesistate in protest if He whispers "Go" We are called to Bulgaria, this I know, but we are called to have our minds on our REAL home and never stop along the journey to say I can't or I will not follow anymore. God has amazingly made the impossible happen: We are allowed to stay pending the arrival of our paperwork, in 2DAYS we will have a state background check completed with an apostil and on it's way here b/c of the body of Christ back home working hard AND a senator in Washington told us to call when we send our FBI paperwork and he will personally see to it that he intervenes to move it quickly through the process! And that's my God! That's my God!
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