I would like to introduce you to Jennifer. On this blog you will get to see the times Jennifer and Jesus do cool things because His name covers mine and leads my feet. But it would be false if I only wrote about the times Jennifer is used by God and not the times Jennifer decides to use time for herself. I would also like to publicly ask for forgiveness from you who pray for us because today I messed up.
Every Thursday Cameron and I have a date. A day set aside to make sure our marriage and friendship has time to be watered and not be neglected. Today was like no other, we walked around and talked and then sat down to enjoy coffee together. We were busy talking about ministry and new opportunities when a young woman walked up beside me and her hand was out. "Money, give me money. Money, give me money." Over and over again she continued to say this with a blank stare on her face. I knew something wasn't right, it didn't feel right in my spirit. This was not a usual situation, she was not right mentally, she was high on drugs or simply she was demon possessed but something was saying this situation is not normal. She stared at Cameron, I stared at her and I waited to see her blink...nothing. Quite honestly I was uncomfortable. After some time, the waiter came and tried to make her leave. He eventually gave up and she stood behind me "Money, give me money." Over and over again, never breaking her stare or tone she continued to say “Money, give me money”. Yes, we could have easily given her some money and been done with the situation but that's not our common practice and I didn’t want to give her money if she was high on drugs but honestly I didn't want to invite her to sit with us either or take her to buy her food from a local store. I just wanted to be with Cameron uninterrupted and I didn't want to spend time to break through the strange situation in order to share the love of God with her and so we stood up and walked inside the restaurant. Maybe this is what God would have lead us to do or maybe something awesome was about to happen, the problem is I never asked God. We stood up and walked away and as soon as we did, she began shrieking. It raised goose bumps on my arms. It was like whatever hell she is in, in that moment I said "I don't have time to pull you out of hell so stay there while I enjoy my coffee." We never saw her again. I fed pigeons today next to Cameron but I didn’t take time for a person that is created in His image. To the filthy parasite birds I threw out food and to her I threw out no life, no love, no hope, and no rope to offer to pull her out of a pit.
So tonight, you guessed it, all I can think about is this moment when Jennifer without Christ got to drink coffee on a date. Jennifer is who I am and every day I have a t-shirt that says "JENNIFER" written across it. Because I gave my life to follow Jesus, I also have a shirt on that says "JESUS" but every day I decide which name I will promote when I get out of bed. Today my "JENNIFER" t-shirt covered my Savior and it wasn't a good day. I have asked God to forgive me and now I have taken time to confess this great error to you as well. I ask you to forgive me as you have taken time to pray for us and I wasted your time.
With a humble and broken heart I will be more purposeful to use each moment to share Jesus with the world.
Thanks for the transparent reminder that our time is not our own. I struggle with this.