Thursday, December 30, 2010

Hide and Seek

There is alot to update on and by this weekend we will have some new posts. I thought Ben's little hide and seek adventure will help you understand one of the lessons we have learned during our short time here...Not everything is as it first appears! As seen in the pictures above, it looks like there is a simple guitar case laying on our bed but as you come closer you discover it just appears that way. The guitar case is really just a great hiding place for a 3 year old who is small enough to climb in and stay there quietly! Bulgaria has been alot like that guitar case sitting on the bed. Things seem as simple as a guitar case laying on a bed, but when you get closer to what you assumed was something you've seen a thousand times you realize first appearances are not always what they appear to be.
The other lesson that is reflected in the pictures above is what we are learning every day and what Ben learned today with the guitar case...Sometimes our expectations are bigger than the reality at hand. No matter the passion or determination, Ben could not get Mommy into the guitar case!

Thursday, December 16, 2010

It's been one month!

When I looked at the 7-day weather projection for this week I asked "Hmm, I wonder what a snow shower is?" It's raining flakes of snow in a "down-pour" fashion! So my question was answered. Some may think this question to be silly but growing up if I heard the word "snow" I was jumping up and down excited and didn't care if it was a shower or one flake in the midst of sleet! The kids have enjoyed the snow too! Yesterday Cameron and the boys threw snowballs and the snowman was unsucessful but attempted. I will apologize now for any grammar mistakes in our blogs. During language learning I have found the letters begin to turn backwards and your brain struggles to figure out what language you are attempting to speak and you end up horrible at both!
In a facebook post yesterday I mentioned that our organization provides training for those who are moving overseas and to the best of their ability they will prepared you for the things you will encounter while living abroad. I mentioned that our organization should include training on how to ice skate on sidewalks as I learned through falling three times that I'm not good at it! It was amazing to see children who have grown up here literally skating down streets and doing tricks as they show off for one another. I asked Cameron if he fell on his way to class and he said no. I asked him how he managed to keep from falling and he said very simply "Stay off the ice." Hmmm, if only I would have thought of that! lol He's a nerd and ended up falling his fair share while taking out the trash this morning =)
Please pray for Cameron as he will travel this weekend with a member of our church and their band out of town near a mountain range towards Turkey. The group he is traveling with holds Christian concerts and will be holding a concert for school aged children this weekend. Schools here, much like in American schools, do not allow religious education/influence into school and this is a way to gather kids and introduce them to the gospel. This trip will also provide Cameron with an opportunity to explore other places in Bulgaria and look for Roma clusters to possibly work with in the future. Please pray for Cameron's safety, ministry opportunities amongst the kids that are gathered, and knowledge of the area that Cameron travels to for potential ministry opportunites.
Yesterday we looked into a school for Micah and should we gain approval he would start January 3rd. The school is a Bulgarian Christain School and is perfect for what we were looking for. The teachers are Bulgarian and teach in Bulgarian however his teacher has an English degree and can address and understand any needs Micah should express. The school also adheres to Bulgarian national standards and when Micah eventually transfers into national school he will be on target. He will finish the remainder of this year at 3 days a week and then will re-do kinder for next year at 5 days a week in the same school. This will give him an introduction to Bulgarian school without being overwhelming and then he will be ready for full-time September 1st. He already made a friend at the school named Grace and it seemed the perfect name of his first friend because it truly was by God's grace that we feel this school has been provided!
The pictures above are of our crazy hair game. I make my hair crazy and chase the boys around trying to poke them with my hair horn. The other pictures are of us on the balcony watching the first snow fall.
We love you!!!
Thanks for praying!

Sunday, December 12, 2010

From December to December

It was last December that I was laying in bed crying over the loss of our fifth and last baby. I cried out to God and then my mind started to ponder our work in Bulgaria and the orphanages I would have the opportunity to visit. I immediately began thinking of the babies and children who needed a mother and how I was a mother who longed for another child. It was at this moment that God interrupted my thoughts and demanded my attention. He clearly told me that I would follow Him to Bulgaria with my eyes focused on Him and nothing else. If He added to our family while we were there it would happen while my eyes were focused on Him. He told me to quit trying to fix the broken pieces of my heart with a baby. I cried some more and rededicated my thoughts and focused my eyes on Him alone. The next day at church Pastor Lee told a story about an orphanage in Russia and of some missionaries that helped the orphans recreate the manger scene. They were confused when one of the orphans had two symbols for baby Jesus in the manger. The orphan explained that unlike the wise men who brought gifts for baby Jesus, he had nothing to give. The orphan then explained that Jesus told him that he could get in the manger with Him and if he got in His manger he could be with Him forever. At that very moment God spoke to me and said "Jennifer quit focusing on putting babies in your crib and focus on putting them in My manger. Even if you adopt forty children and put them in your cribs, there are still hundreds of thousands who have not made it into my manger." Oh I still get teary eyed recounting those tender but needed times with God and the focus He gave me!
This week I have had the opportunity and privilege to visit several orphanages around and outside the city of Sofia. It was so sweet reflecting back from last December until now. Last December I could only imagine the orphans that I so longed to work with and this December I was playing with their hair and holding their hands as we exchanged smiles and love. I cannot tell you how badly they need the hope of Christ and what that baby in the manger means for them. I cannot tell you how squeezed my heart was and how overwhelmed I felt at the capacity of needs that overflowed in each situation. One day we may be given direction from God to adopt, but at this moment my eyes are focused on how God wants to move amongst the Roma in those orphanages and put as many of them in His manger as possible. Pray for the orphans around the world who need the hope of Jesus and the Roma who seem to dominate the population inside the orphanages I visited. As you sit around your tree opening presents this year keep in mind those who still need to meet the greatest free gift of all, eternal life and a relationship with Jesus. He is the only one in life who will never leave them nor forsake them! If you attend a church that takes up a Lottie Moon Christmas offering please consider donating to that offering. Lottie Moon is essential in funding and sending missionaries overseas to do the work God has called them to do. Thank you for giving to this offering, it is because of those who give that we are able to be here in Bulgaria!