Sunday, June 20, 2010

Sad Goodbyes

It's always hard to say goodbye. The word goodbye is often met with sadness in our English language. Goodbye, the word is derived by the phrase "God be with you" and means an act of parting or leave-taking. In the English language a goodbye could mean a short departure or a long one. Our family is having to come to terms with the long version of this word this week and the tears that are falling show that they would gladly erase this word from our English language. This week if you will remember to pray for our parents: Kenneth, Melynda, Clelleen, Joe, Mike, Pam, Brenda, Richard, Jeri, and Bobby. If the multitude of names confuses you, don't worry there isn't a mistake! =) We are not from a divided family, we are from a well loved one and our kids thoroughly enjoy Christmas time!

Cameron and I are handling the transition from Corpus okay for now. There is a knot in the bottom of our stomachs that business is currently pushing aside, but we know our emotions will come to the surface soon and we too will shed our share of tears. The neat thing about God is that He never puts a call on one's heart without preparing them for the destiny He's calling you to. I surrendered to this call on my life at the age of 15 and Cameron knew God was calling him to foreign missions when he was 19. When we married in 2000 we quickly applied to go overseas to Japan and because of my young age of 18 we were denied. Cameron felt God continuing to push him towards service in the Air Force and though we didn't understand why, we followed. I can give you 1,000 testimonies of what God did for us during our seven years of service to prepare us for this moment, but for this post I am focusing on one. When we joined, we first served for three months in San Antonio and drove two hours to Corpus to see our families every weekend. Our second duty station was Wichita Falls, Texas and we drove one to two times a month to see family. Our third station was in Shreveport, Louisiana and further distance only allowed us to make every holiday and special occasion. When we moved to New Orleans it was the furthest distance we had lived from home and with two children in the back seat, we only came home two times a year. God has given us and our parents baby steps the last ten years to say goodbye and get used to distance. These ten years he has gradually moved us further and further away from home. He has been so sweet in giving us all time to prepare for this journey He is calling us to. We praise His sweet nature and kindness for the last ten years...our ten year goodbye to our families. Our second prayer request is that you allow our parents to see the sweet goodbye God allow them to have with us and us with them. He called their children to this journey, yet allowed them abundant time to say a sweet ten year goodbye.

This week will include packing our belongings again. This time we will organize what we want to take with us to Bulgaria and pack it in our luggage cases. In addition we will need to pack for our time in Virginia. During our last packing process we lost three very special things and have yet to find them. One of these items was a brand new I-Pod. This may seem trivial to some but it had Bible study stuff on it that I planned to use during my time overseas and music that I loved to listen to during any season of life. Ah, if we could somehow come across the special things that seem to have been lost during this transition I would love it! As we pack our things for Bulgaria we are hoping to avoid repeating the same mistakes that lead us to arrive in Corpus short handed. Please pray for us during our time of packing.
We are leaving Corpus on June 29Th or 30Th depending on my step-dad's schedule. From there we will have destination stops in Shreveport, Monroe, & Kentwood, LA; Tennessee, Connecticut, Cape Cod, Massachusetts and arriving in Richmond, Virginia by July 26Th. Please pray for travel mercies! The boys should be a bundle of energy at each stop and when we arrive in Richmond for our 8 weeks of training they may send us back home and skip the whole process because the kids are so wired and FUN! Just kidding. I am hoping for alot of car naps and giggles as we drive in peace and quiet with low gas prices at each stop. Look! It's a prayer request I can ask whatever I want here~! =)

On a side note our adventure walks have included a LARGE walking stick, two snakes and some locusts. Micah was thrilled that daddy killed a scorpion that in his words "Was coming straight for our car! It didn't know that Daddy and me were standing outside the car and daddy surprised him when he squished!" South Texas critters will be the only ones celebrating our departure!

We love you and appreciate you taking the time to check on us, pray for us and love us!


  1. I'm finally sitting at the computer long enough to catch up on what you guys are up to. Keep us posted! Love you!

  2. You are in our prayers
    Oak Ridge Baptist Church

  3. Hi, It's Rachiel.
    I wanted to let you all know that you all are in my prayers. I remember when you all wanted to go into missions all those years ago. I think it is awesome that you all are going. Even though we haven't talked in forever, I want you both to know that you have a special place in my heart. I know that God is going to do great things through your family.

  4. I prayed God give me something here to help with the heartache...and he said, "Safe in the Arms."
    I came in the house and goggled the song, which is known by the title, "Safe." I have heard this song maybe twice, but never really listened to the words...and there is was, the comfort I needed and at the end of the video, the verse
    Psalms 91:14 THE LORD SAYS, I WILL RESCUE THOSE WHO LOVE ME AND I WILL PROTECT THOSE WHO ACKNOWLEDGE ME...There is no sadness only I hold on to those words.
    I love you Mom
