Monday, February 20, 2012

The Big MISadventure!

It started out as an exciting Monday. Bethany and I were excited to be picking up the Roma women that evening for a women's party at a local church. This would be the first time we have had the opportunity to just hang out as women without children. We were excited to have the sweet moments to deepen our relationships. They say that trials can test the depth of a relationship but we weren't quite expecting the plate of misadventure that our evening had planned for us!
I picked up Bethany and we drove to the top of a hill to wait for the women. When we viewed the women walking towards our meeting place we left our spot to meet them there. Unfortunately our meeting spot is an exit ramp and I feared the cars driving past us would hit the car or one of our women. I drove the car into the snow to avoid the danger of the road and you guessed it, one of my tires went to deep. The car wouldn't budge. Bethany took the driver's seat and we tried pushing the car out of the snow. Finally a man came and asked us if we wanted his help. We had complete faith that this confident man could help us until he almost ran us all over! Praise God the car was stuck or we would have been under it. Then he did the unthinkable and drove the car forward into the deep snow. Now three tires were in deep! Two other men stopped and things went further downhill and I mean that literally! =) Finally we gave up and started walking. We decided we would take two taxis to the party since we wouldn't all fit in one. Unfortunately taxis are hard to find at 6:00 in the evening. We managed to flag down one taxi and I told him I didn't have any money and needed to go to the ATM right down the road. He took me to the ATM and it was broken. He kicked me out and left but we saw three other taxis but unfortunately they also turned us down. We walked to another ATM and while waiting for the money, it broke and shut down. We walked to a third spot and finally I got some money but now we had no taxi. Long story short, we finally end up with two taxis and my taxi driver would not give me my receipt until I gave him my phone number. He is convinced that I am going to give him a place to live in Texas and that he will live with my relatives until he finds a job. I guess I need to tell my parents that a random taxi driver is moving in! =D Needless to say other crazy events continued to occur but at the end of the day we made it to the party, Cameron and a super hero colleague pulled the car out of the snow and everyone is now home safe and sound! I am so grateful that our women were treated so kindly and loved on at the party. I was worried that after an evening spent working so hard to get to the women's party that they may meet the often snide glances and fake hellos but praise be to God they were shown love and acceptance. They were so excited to have attended and if God's love and the fellowship of His believers encouraged them tonight then I would gladly do it again, just not tomorrow! =D

Big thanks tonight to my partner and friend Beth who laughed at all this ridiculousness with me and encouraged me to push back the tears when things felt too heavy. Thanks for taking the load and sharing the burdens by giving me truth, love and encouragement in times of deep snow.

Big thanks to my sweet husband who is so gentle and encouraging. And to Jeff who gave up his evening to help pull the car out of the snow! You guys deserve a huge Milka chocolate bar and hug.

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